Friday, September 7, 2007

Podcasts as an industry resource

After listening to a podcast from both Across The Sound and the Marketer's Edge i found that I liked the podcast from Across The Sound more then the Marketer's Edge. However I do feel that podcasts are an ineffective way to get industry related information. They are first all audio and not visual making them lacking in stimuli. They also are hard to get access to not because it is difficult to find but you need to be in front of a computer to listen to one. If you are in front of a computer you might as well be watching something as well. Radio is effective because when you are in a car you have no other choice but when you are in front of a computer your media choices are limitless. Personally with having all those options I would not choose to listen to something when I could watch something. For me visual stimuli have a greater chance of being remember by me then any auditory stimuli would. The only way I could see these podcast being effective is they are used in passing and listened to while you are doing something else. I just don't find it to be an effective method of transferring information let alone industry related information.

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