Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sony catches up

Now after Double Fusion, Adscape, and Massive, meaning Microsoft, are ahead in the market of in-game advertising Sony U.S. which has their own in-game division has decided to create an advertising team that will promote and focus on brands and other products in games. According to Reuters Sony will be promoting in it soon to come "Home" Virtual world.

Sony will be following in the footsteps for a change. They are going to do what the other companies are doing which is focusing on getting more revenue from sponsors to offset higher production cost of better more advanced games. These games will have better graphics and high definition capabilities as well as better voice acting and more dialogue than some movies out today.

The head of Sony's new division is Darlene Kindler who was recently the head of publishing for Adscape, the company that was bought by Google in March. Sony is supposed to place ads in "Home" their online virtual world that is supposed to debut on PS3 early next year. Sony says that "will depict brands in various forms within the game, where users would expect to see them in real life on billboards and posters, on shopping bags and soda cans and on images of TV screens." However who believes Sony when they says something will work properly.


Kim Gregson said...

3 good posts for the last 2 weeks - 15 points

Kim Gregson said...

0 points - no posts